Monday, March 26, 2012

Are We Just Ordinary People??

We're just ordinary people, we don't know which way to go, cuz we're just ordinary people. As we sing this famous John Legend song do we stop and think what does the lyrics really mean. Even though to John Legend he may be talking about love could this song have two meanings behind it. In my opinion I believe that the song can talk about us as Black People are we just ordinary people? With so many issues that have occurred in the past week we have to realize that we are nowhere near being just ordinary people. Being a Black American is very hard it is really a struggle; even though our ancestors and famous leaders fought for equal rights racism is still alive and current here today.

Even though as children we are taught to see no color but most parents teach their children the total opposite and their hearts are filled with so much hatred that they teach their children to hate other children because they are not the same color as them or even because they are just ordinary. When we go back to last year sometime around November we all came together to get Bush out of office and we wanted and dreamed for a person to be in office that looks just like us. When we finally stood in lines for hours and when we finally took and place our votes we finally got our Black President. Having a Black President caused so much turmoil because people showed their hate even more. Is this because they feel that President Obama is just a ordinary person? What is an ordinary person? Are blacks considered to be just ordinary people? Was Trayvon Martin just an ordinary kid going to the store? Is wearing a hoodie ordinary?

No one is just ordinary not even God. But the way society is going down and the way politics is sparling downward, we as blacks may stay ordinary people for awhile if we don't stand up for what we believe in. Our famous leaders and ancestors fought for many days and even years to have equal rights now it is left up to us the young generation to try and take a stand for equality. Let's learn to be intelligent leaders not followers, let's learn to stay to the front of the bus not the back, let's learn to voice our opinion no matter what the situation may be, let's not be afraid to walk into that all white bar cause we are the only blacks, let's not be afraid to say that we are African Americans, let's not be afraid to VOTE for our first black president and let's not just stay Ordinary People.

1 comment:

RK said...

Love Your post. Tomorrow's future start with US!