Sunday, April 22, 2012

Does Being On A Social Network Define A Realtionship?

What Defines a Relationship? Is it Love? Is it having a family together? Is it having a status on a social network? In my opinion I feel that some people feel that having that status on Facebook makes their relationship. It makes some people feel that their partner loves them and also it makes them think that their partner is telling the world that they are taken.

Why would you allow a social network to define a relationship? Why should your relationship be defined by a few words on a social network? Some people use social networks to try and prove something to their selves. If you are in love and happy why should it matter what other people feel and think.

A social network is suppose to be just what it sounds like, people have made it into more then what it was develop for. It feels like now when you logged on to these sites it looks like it is a competition for attention. Some people feel that when you are in a relationship you shouldn't be on a social network, because it can cause problems within the relationship. The question is why bring your relationship on to a social network? Why allow that social network to define your relationship? Why let that social network determine the amount of trust you have with your partner?

Is it possible that people can allow the social networks to be what it is suppose to be? Is it possible that being in a relationship can be normal again?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree with you...your relationship should never be defined by a social network. Even saying out loud is just silly to me. The problem is that the world has been consumed by the internet. People dont talk on the phone anymore or even meet people in person. Most of ppls lives are lived on the internet so for the those ppl the internet defines them and those are probably the same folks who get mad with their significant other has 'single' as their FB status lol. Very silly to me but I guess it works for others.