Monday, March 26, 2012

Are We Just Ordinary People??

We're just ordinary people, we don't know which way to go, cuz we're just ordinary people. As we sing this famous John Legend song do we stop and think what does the lyrics really mean. Even though to John Legend he may be talking about love could this song have two meanings behind it. In my opinion I believe that the song can talk about us as Black People are we just ordinary people? With so many issues that have occurred in the past week we have to realize that we are nowhere near being just ordinary people. Being a Black American is very hard it is really a struggle; even though our ancestors and famous leaders fought for equal rights racism is still alive and current here today.

Even though as children we are taught to see no color but most parents teach their children the total opposite and their hearts are filled with so much hatred that they teach their children to hate other children because they are not the same color as them or even because they are just ordinary. When we go back to last year sometime around November we all came together to get Bush out of office and we wanted and dreamed for a person to be in office that looks just like us. When we finally stood in lines for hours and when we finally took and place our votes we finally got our Black President. Having a Black President caused so much turmoil because people showed their hate even more. Is this because they feel that President Obama is just a ordinary person? What is an ordinary person? Are blacks considered to be just ordinary people? Was Trayvon Martin just an ordinary kid going to the store? Is wearing a hoodie ordinary?

No one is just ordinary not even God. But the way society is going down and the way politics is sparling downward, we as blacks may stay ordinary people for awhile if we don't stand up for what we believe in. Our famous leaders and ancestors fought for many days and even years to have equal rights now it is left up to us the young generation to try and take a stand for equality. Let's learn to be intelligent leaders not followers, let's learn to stay to the front of the bus not the back, let's learn to voice our opinion no matter what the situation may be, let's not be afraid to walk into that all white bar cause we are the only blacks, let's not be afraid to say that we are African Americans, let's not be afraid to VOTE for our first black president and let's not just stay Ordinary People.

Monday, March 19, 2012


So since Lent began on February 22, 2012, I decided for Lent NOT to SHOP and my choice to give up shopping for Lent was hard, but a good choice. My reason for choosing to give up shopping for lent was mainly due to the fact that I often found myself spending my pay check every chance I got on shopping or if I have a few dollars in my wallet I would shop. These last couple of days and even weeks has been very stressful and very tempting. Every Saturday my mother and I, have mother and daughter day. My mother loves to go shopping on that day especially since I decided to give up shopping for 40days.

As I walk through every store I take notes in my head of things that I already have in my closet that I can wear in many different ways. I also find myself trying to come up with many different reasons why I need to purchase new things. While I am doing NO SHOPPING for 40 days I find my biggest temptation is the need and want for shoes, I usually don't have that much of a need for shoes, however since I gave up NO SHOPPING shoes is all I seem to have a need for at least I think I do. One thing I can say is that it is extremely hard going into a store and seeing all these nice bright colors of pants, nice big chunky necklaces most importantly any new pair of heels that just came out. My hand just takes and rubs against that nice fabric on the jeans, my fingers rub against the beads on the necklaces and my feet just dream about being placed in those new heels.

As this process goes on I find myself being more responsible with my money, and bills are getting paid. I am saving more money than before and working with the wardrobe I already have. Throughout it all there is a lesson that we should learn during lent and that lesson is Can we go without these things forever? Is 40days really enough?

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Things Women Do to Attract Men

Here we are in the year 2012 and most of us females are still single.. Why is that? Could it be becasue our standards for a guy is set so high? Are we looking in the wrong places? When you are a lonely single girl these are just a few questions we ask ourselves. But do we really sit down and ask ourselves what are we doing to attract men?

Woman do many things to attract men, but when we do these certain things do we find ourselves still single, women pick men for many different reasons but do we as women stop and think what exactly are we doing to attract men. Are we attracting men with our sparkling personalities? Are we attracting men with our high fashion? Are we attracting men in a sexual manner?

When you attract a guy with your sparkling personality it makes them look at you in a very different way, it makes them know that you are fun, loving and that you do have a heart that is filled with love.

If you try to attract a guy with your high fashion he may think that you have a good judgement when it comes to clothes, but can he love you for you or does he just love your clothes. But don't get me wrong some guys live for fashion, but just having that love for fashion can leave you still single.

Have you ever heard your mom or even your dad say how you dress or even how you talk can be the way people judge you? Well that can be true.

When us women go out for the night on the town and we have to wear that short black mini dress, or the tightest jeans or even leggins we can find ourselves selling sex.

Most males can be turn off from some women that show every aspect on their bodies, some males would like women to leave a little to the imagination. When we do that it makes us grow respect for ourselves and it also has men grow and show us respect as well.

Being single is not the best, but when you are out looking for that perfect guy we have to think about what exactly are we doing to attract men.

As women we should try to just be our natural born selves .Yes,we are known to be very emotional creatures but that can be overlook just because we have some men that are emotional as well.

When it comes to things that us women do to attract men we should try to attract that guy with our amazing personalities and our hearts that are wide open ready to show that we know how to love.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

My Guardian Angel... Erma R Kinder

This post is dedicated to my loving grandmother Erma R Kinder. On March 15, 2012 will be the anniversary of an angel. In her honor I decided to do a name poem to describe my angel.

Extravagant and Elegant
Reliable; Always could count on her through thick and thin
Memorable; just like her smile and her funny comical jokes
Awesome; just like the GOD she served

Ruth; one of her favorite books in the Bible

Kind; she always help those in need
Intelligent; she was a very clever person
Neighborly; very friendly person always welcoming
Determined; to always keep her family together
Educated; she was book smart and very computer savvy
Radiant; her smile would light up a room just like a ray of sunshine

Not only will I celebrate my angel on March 15, 2012 I will celebrate her life throughout the whole month of March cause one day is just not enough.

People ask me did you ever shed a tear when your grandmother passed.

My response was No, just because I know that she is with me when I wake up in my room, she is with me with every footstep I take, she is with me with every bite I eat and she is always and forever in my heart.

Death can be very hard to take on , but when you remember the good and positive things about that person it will make you and your heart smile of joy. So I say Let's start celbrating the Life of Erma R Kinder.