Saturday, February 25, 2012

Can Adoption Tear A Family Apart?

Growing up I think every young child had to do a family tree for one of their elementary school projects. Whenever that time comes we try to go to that one family member that we feel really knows the family history from beginning to the end.

But when it comes time to start drawing that tree we never know exactly how many branches we need cause in most families there are some hidden undercover secrets that most families don't want to come to light. I once heard an elderly family member say just let old dogs lay why bring those dogs to the light. When you hear that it makes your mind start wondering all over the place.

When those hidden secrets happen to come to light could it be about our family members that have been adopted by other members of the family?

When we have these adopted members in the family do we still treat them like they are apart of the family? Or do we just look at them as an outsider? Or are we outsiders to them?

When a person is adopted at any age it can be a situation where they will never really know why their birth parent actually gave them away. Are they thinking is there something I could have done better to be with my birth parents? Well of course they are thinking that cause no child wants to be without an parent, but like the old saying goes your parents knows best.

So now that these branches are getting connected to the tree and there are so many questions that go with each branch, as the questions come are the right answers being told?

When you found out that your brother or sister who you grew up with was adopted by an aunt or uncle does that start to question your relationship with them? I feel like it shouldn't just because in God's eyes we are all his children and I am sure in that parent eyes you are their children as well no matter the circumstances.

So when this tree is blooming into that big beautiful oak tree you start to wonder did you miss anybody, did you name all the generations of sisters,brothers and cousins.

If that one person was missing how would they feel? If something on the tree was worded incorrectly how would that affect the family or that person? If that one,two or maybe even third adoption happen and it was never told how would that affect the person and most of all how would it affect the family? If these things were to happen should that person forgive and forget? Or should there heart just stay filled with emptiness?

Whether a person is adopted or not a family should stick together through thick and thin. The thick can be when their is a death, a birth or even just through things that happen in the world today. The thin can be the very very small things that you may need to use a microscope for.

Anything can tear a family apart but as a family, things should not be able to break or tear that bond that your ancestors of the family created. If the bond was built with secrets or even built with adoptions it should still bring the family together as one.

So as that tree is finished and it is standing there on that long piece of paper you just stand there and look and say I Love My Family no matter the secrets and circumstances I have a beautiful family...


Anonymous said... a lot of rankles can relate to this...

Anonymous said...

Families I mean..