Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Should Reality TV Be Boycotted?

Every Monday night the world waits for the drama to unfold. Monday Night TV is not like it used to be all you see now is drama and more drama.  From Basketball Wives, Bad Girls Club, Love and Hip Hop and many others to follow I don’t know which one is worse. When the show Basketball Wives was first introduce to the world many thought that we would see some of the beautiful and intelligent wives of famous basketball players but we were wrong. The show actually consists of women who were either left at the altar or who were in a process of getting a divorce.

From the first season on down to the season that is airing now the drama has got to the point where it is just right ridiculous. We are seeing grown ass women arguing over who is the flyest, who said this and who is not my friend. Even though some of the things they are arguing about are some true factors that most females face when they growing up it shouldn't be shown with women who are over the age of 30. Yeah we as the viewers know that this is just reality TV but what we really don't know is why this women or even men sign up for the drama. Could be because they are money hungry? Could it be because they need and want the attention? Could it be because they are trying to get their husbands back? Could it because they are trying to get their wives back?

I don't think the show producers actually think about how these women will be portray in the limelight. I think all they are thinking about is how many more zero's they can add to their bank accounts. Can we just say that only our African American Women are the only ones that are acting crazy and childish? I don't think so, the Caucasians and the Italians are acting just the same. Women of the reality TV world need to know that they have many young kids that are watching and enjoying them to the fullest but are they watching them for all the wrong reasons. What happen to the parental controls they used to have for the computer software? Do we need that for TV?

Yes money may rule the world but can money buy you pride, integrity, intelligence and self empowerment. Yes if Reality TV was boycotted we may not have anything left to watch, but at least these women and even men that are on these shows will have their true character, true personality and even better they will have their integrity.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Does Being On A Social Network Define A Realtionship?

What Defines a Relationship? Is it Love? Is it having a family together? Is it having a status on a social network? In my opinion I feel that some people feel that having that status on Facebook makes their relationship. It makes some people feel that their partner loves them and also it makes them think that their partner is telling the world that they are taken.

Why would you allow a social network to define a relationship? Why should your relationship be defined by a few words on a social network? Some people use social networks to try and prove something to their selves. If you are in love and happy why should it matter what other people feel and think.

A social network is suppose to be just what it sounds like, people have made it into more then what it was develop for. It feels like now when you logged on to these sites it looks like it is a competition for attention. Some people feel that when you are in a relationship you shouldn't be on a social network, because it can cause problems within the relationship. The question is why bring your relationship on to a social network? Why allow that social network to define your relationship? Why let that social network determine the amount of trust you have with your partner?

Is it possible that people can allow the social networks to be what it is suppose to be? Is it possible that being in a relationship can be normal again?